Happy 4th Birthday to us!

Today is Candy Cane’s 4th Birthday❤️I will be honest it’s pretty hard to write a positive post when things are just so difficult right now. Here is some history on CCR & why I set the rescue up. For the last 15 years I have working in rehoming ex racing greyhounds in the UK. 9 years ago I set up my own rescue called Greyhound Protection UK(formerly BGP).I am personally completely anti greyhound racing and so is my UK rescue. Five years ago I started looking into the possibility that greyhounds would be in the meat trade in China. This came about because I found out Irish greyhounds were being sent to China .Anyway through GPUK I started working with people in China helping a few greyhounds and sighthounds from China. Four years ago yesterday a little whippet cross was due to fly to Paris to start her new life.Her name was Candy❤️She had been rescued from the meat trade by a really poor shelter in China.She had two broken legs ,skin disease, distemper and parvoviruses. It took months for her to fully recovery and we were so excited for her to come to the UK. Literally hours before she was due to leave for the airport another dog in boarding kennels killed her. As you would expect I was absolutely devastated and just felt the pull to do more.This is when Candy Cane Rescue was born. I started working with some amazing rescues in the UK and in America and building friendships and partnerships for our dogs.The team behind the scenes were formed and things were starting to really be going great we were saving lots of dogs and I was back and forth to China getting our dogs and making sure things were how it should be and then the pandemic hit us.I know everyone has been hit by this fecking virus but I’m just telling you how it’s effected CCR.Financially it’s crippled us and I hope we can actually come from it.We have 198 dogs still in China that our on my mind every single day.I know the people in China are looking after them but it’s not the same as getting these dogs into homes.The biggest blow is we can’t save anymore dogs and that is completely soul destroying.I don’t do bullshit and I always tell it how it is and some people like it some don’t but what I can honestly say is that the last 12 months have been the hardest months I have ever done in rescue even as I’m writing this i want to cry because I’m so frustrated for the dogs ans so worried I feel sick all the time about.Yulin festival is currently happening in China and to know we can’t even save one dog just feels so so wrong.I know I should be positive it’s our birthday 🥳 but on a personal level I feel so deflated and maybe it’s an ego thing I don’t know but I feel like I’m personally letting these dogs down.The board of trustees are completely deflated and tired also with the worry and constantly trying to rob Peter to Pay Paul and then to think of ways to raise the money to get out dogs home.I hope next year I can be positive and things are back to normal and I’m in China saving these lost souls.We are running a campaign to bring our dogs home which includes flights,and paying the bills that’s keeping our dogs safe in China.I know people are probably sick of me saying it but we need a lot of money to get these dogs out and then we can start saving more dogs.Even a couple of pound goes along way we have thousands of supporters if everyone have two pound that’s a lot of money and will make a massive dent to the bills and flights.Anyway happy birthday 🥳 to us please help us to help them much love ❤️ mailto:rescue@candycanerescue.org our bank details our Donate using PayPal
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Candy Cane Rescue
Sort Code: 30-90-89
Account number: 35882460