Great news!

On 24th of February, China has made a new law about wild animals, can’t trade or eat wild animals!

Today, 26th of February, Shenzhen has announced that ban DOG AND CAT meat!

Best news during this difficult and sad time!!!

Hope the rest of China will ban dog and cat meat soon! THERE IS A HOPE!

I can’t express how HAPPY I am right now, finally there is some positive changes for those voiceless.

China is learning and listening and I’m so proud!

(By 3/5 if there is no one has different opinions then this will be official. Shenzhen has Legislative power of SEZ, so I have strong faith that it will pass. Apologies that I didn’t make it clearer, I was just too excited 😆)

By the way, there is the email for Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress we can write!