World Galgo Day

1st Feb is world Galgo day.Galgos are known

As a Spanish greyhound.The dogs are used for hunting and even tho over recent years things have improved in Spain these beautiful gentle souls

are still abused and murdered in their thousands each year.


Today is the beginning of the end of the

hunting season in Spain which means so many Galgos and Podencos will need rescue space.Greyhound Protection UK and Candy’s Hound Rescue have always taken these amazing dogs and we will continue to help as many as we can.


We have committed to 4 Galgos and 3 Pod Heads so far that will come to us in a few weeks.


Irish and English greyhounds are exported to Spain each year.Its estimated around 500 are still being sent for breeding.GPUK have rescued over 80 exported greyhounds and brought them home in the last few years.They really don’t deserve the horrific abuse they suffer.


It’s estimated over sixty thousand Galgos are killed each year..Today marks the day that we show respect to all the beautiful souls that never made it to homes and the ones that will be killed in the next few months and to the rescues in Spain on the front line saving these precious souls.People like my friend Tina Wales Solera from Galgos del Sol are an inspiration.#galgo #rescuegalgo my beautiful Galga Lorca who is sadly no longer with us.She was shot in Spain and had over 25 pieces of Buck shot in her little body.Also beautiful Louise who thought so hard but we just couldn’t beat her Leishmania❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #rescuegalgos #rescuegalgosofinstagram