Borzoi update

So many people are keen to help which is fab! But please bear with us. We are being inundated with messages about the Borzois. We are still trying to arrange boarding kennels and work out how we can afford all vet fees etc.

At the moment we are waiting for the owner to confirm how many we can have as he has informed us that he will be rehoming some himself. We are trying to get as many of the dogs as we can. Ideally we are hoping to send them all to the US as they can be sent there after 30 days once they’ve had rabies injections. If we were to bring them to the UK it’s 3-4 months and we would have to pay for kenneling for that time. We won’t be rehoming to private homes as each dog requires rescue back up and support. For that reason we will only be sending them to established rescues and we have a few concrete offers at the moment, which is great. Until the weekend we won’t actually know how many the owner will let us have so it’s a case of watch this space, and keep and eye on the Facebook posts.