The sun ☀️ who was the 12 year old Australian dog, has now been put to rest. She was bred in Australia and sent to China nine years ago for breeding. Candy Cane Rescue saved her last Saturday but Xrays showed that she had bone cancer in her leg. The vets she was with are kind, gentle people but it’s not common practice to put dogs to sleep in China so I have had a battle on my hands all week. A biopsy was carried out and again I did not agree to this and made it clear. The results proved what I already knew that she had very aggressive bone cancer and there’s no cure and her leg is at risk of breaking. The vets spoke about amputating her leg which I refused. This morning she was finally put to rest. She had lots of treats and love these last six days but it’s not enough and she deserved so much more.
The Sun
