
Tabby ❤️❤️
Whippet Tabby is looking for her forever home.
She was rescued from the Dog Meat Trade 3 years ago. Her sister Sally was adopted last week she’s coped pretty well but would be better in a home with another dog.
She’s very shy when she meets new people and very submissive but warms up to you pretty fast.
She’s a gentle girl takes treats very gently, sleeps through out the night and can be left up to four hours.
She’s a pretty little poppet loves to run and take in all the smells.
She has just started to play with toys ❤️❤️
 A home with another dog in essential and she’s not bothered by cats so can live with a dog savy cat.
She’s okay with children but older ones and sensible children.
Tabby is in foster in North Lincolnshire (UK) for more info please call or WhatsApp Kerry 07572 296780 opening hours 10-6 please respect these times.

Please see our adoption process here for further information on how to adopt.

If you would like to adopt one of our Greyhounds.

Please email us at or use our contact form.