Update: We have just woken up to some heartbreaking news 💔
💔Snowy has passed away. Not sure what to say, we’re so upset for him, he was such a fighter. Massive thank you to Gillian at Wolfies Legacy for taking Snowy, giving him a home and taking care of his needs. Rest easy little man.
Please meet snowy 💙 The pictures are very upsetting but we need to tell you his story. He’s safe in our care now so things are looking up for him. Snowy was rescued two days ago in China where he was living in a pile of rubbish. His owner was traced and agreed to let him come to Candy Cane Rescue. At just 2 months old snowy fell from a great height and broke his two back legs. For reasons unknown to us he was left for 2 whole years like this 😢 He has been dragging his legs around for all that time. Now, as you can see, they are in a horrific way. The vets are considering amputation and fitting him with wheels (you can see they have tested them already). Snowy is so happy, such a sweet boy, he wants to live so we are going to do what we can to make sure he is pain free but has a good quality of life. ❤️❤️💙