
Peaches update
Peaches operation went well.
Her knee was moved so it’s now in-line with her shinbone where is should be. She’s had pins and a plate fitted inside her leg.
The tricky part now is waiting and making sure she is completely cage rested for a month.
She’s such a happy girl and wants to play and have zoomies.
She loves her walks a swell so it’s not going to be the easiest of tasks.
The 3 month care plan now is as follows.
Complete cage rest for a month.
Then very gentle walks on lead.
Taking her to the hydrotherapy pool twice a week.
The orthopaedic vet is confident her surgery will be successful but of course there’s always a risk it won’t be.Should the op fail she would then have to have her leg amputated.
So it’s a case of taking it from here now and doing everything we can for her.
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Peach is now in the UK, she was a little shell shocked on the 1st day but has soon settled and is loving being in the garden in the sun.

If you are interested in any of our dogs, please call or message Kerry on 07572 296780 between 10-6.


Please see our adoption process here for further information on how to adopt.

If you would like to adopt one of our Greyhounds.

Please email us at or use our contact form.