We have an amazing opportunity to make the lives of our rescue dogs that little bit sweeter while they are in China.

This place will take lots of work which I have ever confidence it can be achieved because one thing the Chinese do is make the impossible look easy when it comes to things like this.
We would have a maximum 50/60 dogs in these kennels.
There’s separate rooms for grooming, dogs with injuries, poorly dogs, should any pregnant dogs come in there’s also space for quarantine rooms.
There’s space for the staff and volunteers to sleep on site.
The whole site has a wall all around it and there’s no humans living around the area so we won’t disturb anyone.
There’s space for paddocks for the dogs to run, to add sensory play, pools etc.
It’s ten minutes from the vets and only one hour from the Airport which will make transporting the dogs for flights so much easier.
Our first priority will be to make it safe and usable for the dogs and for Summer to live on site.
Everything else can be added over the next few months.
This will be a huge step for the charity and the care we will be able to give our dogs, we are excited and nervous at the same time!
If you would like to be a part our our dogs journey, the GoFundMe link is below.